How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (2025)

Do your downloads get stuck at 100 percent just before they're supposed to finish? Several factors contribute to this problem, but there are some common causes and, thankfully, some super easy fixes.

What Causes Your Downloads to Get Stuck at 100 Percent?

Here are a few main reasons your downloads get stuck at 100 percent, preventing them from completing:

  • Your internet connection might have been disconnected.
  • The file you're downloading could be corrupt, or its host server may have gone down.
  • A third-party download manager extension you may use could be hindering the download process.
  • The destination drive where you download the files may have run out of space.
  • Your antivirus software may have blocked the download because it detected malware in the file.

Having understood the causes, let's look at possible ways to resolve the issue.

1. Preliminary Checks

Before beginning the troubleshooting process, perform these preliminary checks:

  • Pause and resume the stuck download.
  • Pause any active downloads running concurrently with the stuck download.
  • Ensure your browser is updated.
  • If you have encountered this issue after updating your browser, revert the update.
  • Cancel the stuck download, give your browser a fresh start, and download the file again.

If the preliminary checks do not help, apply the remaining fixes.

2. Check for Server-Side Issues

How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (1)

If the server hosting the file you're downloading goes offline or experiences technical difficulties, your downloads could get stuck. Thus, it's imperative to ensure the host server is up and running.

The easiest way to do that is to download a different file from the same website, preferably a different file format than the stuck one. If you can download other files from the same site, that confirms the host server isn't at fault.

3. Rule Out File-Specific Issues

An underlying problem with certain files or files having a certain format can also stall downloads. To ensure this is not the case, download another file with the same file format as the stuck one from the same website.

If you experience the same problem when downloading other files with the same format, there is a problem with the hosted files. In that case, report the issue to the website admin. However, if you successfully download other files in a particular format but not a specific file for which the download is stuck, the problem may be with the file itself. Thus, download that file from a different source.

However, if all of your downloads get stuck at 100 percent regardless of the website or format type they have, most likely, you have different issues, and you should continue with the fixes.

4. Disable Third-Party Download Managers

The interference from third-party download managers can also prevent your downloads from completing. If you have such an extension or app installed and are currently downloading files, pause the active downloads. If pausing them doesn't help, let the ongoing downloads finish and see if the stuck download in your browser completes after that.

If the extension or app isn't downloading any files, temporarily turn it off. If doing so fixes the problem, the download manager is probably to blame. Keep it disabled when running downloads, or permanently delete it. Don't know how to do that? Refer to our guide on temporarily disabling or permanently removing browser extensions.

5. Download the File in Incognito or InPrivate Window

How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (2)

Unless you enable extensions for private browsing, they aren't activated by default. Due to that, downloading files in private browsing can help you rule out interference from all other browser extensions and processes that don't run when browsing privately.

So, try downloading the same file again in Incognito mode (Chrome), InPrivate window (Microsoft Edge), or your browser's private browsing tool. If you can download files successfully in private browsing mode, an extension or browser process is likely causing the problem. Therefore, turn off each browser extension individually to identify the culprit.

However, if you encounter the same issue in the Incognito or Private window, apply the remaining fixes.

6. Whitelist the Destination Folder

You can also experience a browser download halt if the file you're downloading is malicious. When your browser or security software detects a virus in a file, it blocks the download process to protect your device.

However, most security software is notorious for blocking even safe files from downloading. It is, therefore, important to check whether the file is malicious. To do this, copy the file URL, go to VirusTotal scanner, and paste the copied URL.

How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (3)

If the file turns out to be malicious, do not download it. If the file appears malware-free, whitelist it from your security suite to prevent the software from blocking a safe download. For this to work, you should whitelist the folder where your files download so that the security software cannot scan these files while they are being downloaded.

If you're on Windows, check out our guide on excluding a folder from Windows Defender. If you use a third-party antivirus program, refer to its official documentation for instructions on whitelisting any folder from it.

7. Ensure the Destination Drive Has Enough Space

How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (4)

Downloads can also stop at 100 percent if there is not enough space left on the disk where they are being downloaded. This is more likely to happen if the files are large in size. Therefore, check how much storage space you have on your Windows or Mac device.

If there is insufficient space to accommodate the downloaded file, free it up. Otherwise, modify the default download location in your web browser.

What Should You Do if None of the Above Solutions Work?

If none of the fixes work and the download still gets stuck at 100 percent, here are a few other solutions you can try:

  • Reset your browser settings to ensure that misconfigured settings are not the cause.
  • Switch to another browser and check whether you can download files there. If you can download files there, reinstall your primary browser.
  • Download files using a third-party download manager if you currently do not use one.

It's frustrating, but one of the fixes will work.

Successfully Resume Your Stuck Downloads

A long wait only to see your downloads getting stuck at 100 percent isn't a pleasant experience. Hopefully, you better understand why this issue occurs and the fixes you can apply to resolve it. Sometimes, restarting your browser is all it takes, but other fixes do require more patience.

How to Fix Downloads Getting Stuck at 100 Percent in Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Other Browsers (2025)
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